Sponsor education program
When you sponsor a student, you can build a relationship with the students through letters and photos. Sponsor a child for $8 a month and help that child break free from poverty for good.
Tuition fees are heavy barrier for families living in poverty. Poverty and education are inextricably linked, because people living in poverty may stop going to school so they can work, which leaves them without literacy and numeracy skills they need to succeed. This will inevitably affect their children, that in turn, will find themselves in similar situations with little income and few options but to leave school and work.
Our sponsor a student program aims to help families escape the cycle of poverty by helping them send their children to school for free:
Sponsor a student - $90
Sponsor a class - $1,500
Sponsor a Teacher - $1,000
Sponsors will have the opportunity to give hope and inspire students and in return they will have the possibility to watch their students grow and can encourage them along the way through correspondence.
Sponsor Janette
$90 a year or just $8 a month
Sponsor Paul
$90 a year or just $8 month
Sponsor Jean
$90 a year or just $8 a month
Sponsor Josiane
$90 a year or just $8 month
Sponsor Marie and Lisette
$180 a year or just $16 a month
Sponsor Jude
$90 a year or just $8 a month
Sponsor the class of 1ere Année Fondamentale A
$150 a month or $1800 a year
Sponsor the class of 1ere Année Fondamentale B
$150 amonth or $1800 a year
To find out more about our sponsor education programs you can email us at info@friendscitesoleil.org.